torsdag 8 juli 2010

Multiple SQL injections on The Pirate Bay

Multiple SQL injections on The Pirate Bay - Thank to Ch Russo, an Argentinian hacker.

Turns out TPB, an icon for filesharers and Copyright defendants alike, wasn't a safe place.

What does it mean?
Well, with a bit of injection knowledge, Ch managed to get hold of all user information in the databases at TPB, usernames, e-mails and any other information people might have put there.

Ch also points out that they did not do it out of anger, or for commercial value.
As one would expect from old-school hackers, they did it because they could.
They went in, declared victory and left.
Maybe some ethical and moral lessons can be found for todays script-kids messing with stuff...

måndag 5 juli 2010

Apple - Flash and Greed; Where is the truth?

A year ago I bought my first iPhone.
I love it still and I can barely remember life before my iPhone..
It really does everything I never thought I needed to do.

It checks my mail, let's me play games, handles my sms, my msn (although through an expensive app as, not all that surprising, Microsofts own app is horrible), is a click away from wikipedia, more games, a lot of games, youtube videos, audiobooks, music.. And rarely, phonecalls.
On the other hand my old cellphones were all more a burden than anything, I never make calls, I rarely pick up calls, and on that note people learn to not call me, and I get 2-3 sms a month. Roughly.
So the step to iPhone was welcome and I'm a bit in love with it.
I also saw that half-arsed games sold in numbers I couldn't dream of..

Some apps that sell well are terrible and I'd feel dirty selling products that abuses people's weaknesses just to make money.
But there are good ones too. Really good ones. And people make really good money on it.

So, I bought a Macbook, which I came to love for work. The simplicity of the UI and the well planned memory management that I used to do manually in Windows/Linux...
Not needing virus protection and software firewalls.. (Don't bother, there are two hardware ones up. :P)
I still use the Macbook as we speak. I nearly never use the PC anymore. Despite the fact that I've invested A LOT in it. It's a monster and I've built it myself, piece by piece. Everything is customized and the chassi is silent yet brilliantly planned.
I only play games on it now.. I never have use for it. And compared to a Mac I'd say I've spent about the same amount as I would've had I bought a Mac.

Right, so I bought the Macbook, started coding things, got a job on the side, earned a little extra.. And realized.. I need an iPad.
God knows... I just wanted it and I always felt that my first real salary should be wasted on toys. Just the first one and only once, but I wasn't going to feel shame about spending it all.
So I bought an iPad. Cheap, sure, but none the less. It's not even released in Sweden yet (Mystery to me.)
And I fell in love with it. It's faster than my iPhone, sleeker than my Macbook and now I rarely use my iPhone or Macbook except for work or being outside of WiFi areas.

A year ago I was a hardcore PC user with a natural hatred towards Macs and everything Apple stood for.
It's odd isn't it?
As a Mac user (Not a fan, but very much a user. My Apple products have a total value of nearly twice that of my PC so...) I'm not against Windows, nor do I have a deep hatred towards Microsoft.
Sure, Ballmer doesn't rank high in my book, but still.

I notice that PC users and Mac users have a weird war going on between each other (As we all know) yet it feels like the PC users are the ones fighting.
I feel better with Mac. I don't hate things in the same way as I looked down on Apple...

But that's not what I'm here to talk about.
See, it struck me, as an avid gamer and game-junkie (Yes I'm addicted and I'm trying to cut down. I don't play online games anymore, but flash games.... Nomnomnom) that something's foul here...
I used to frequent quite many Flash game sites. And I still do.
On my PC.
I can't play many games on the Macbook. No reason why except it acts up weird and some things don't seem to function properly. No idea why though.....
Until I came across one of my bigger addictions in Flash games. In the iTunes store.
And I came to see what's going on here.

See, the iPad and iPhone can't play Flash at all.
The Macbook can but it's dodgy to say the least.
Apple is known to not regard Adobe highly and Adobe are known to be selfish, ignorant and overglorified.
Apple has bailed Adobe out at least twice during the years, also Steve Jobs noted on D8 that they would gladly implement Flash if Adobe made a mobile platform that doesn't drain battery.

However.. That's not all there is to this..

Steve Jobs wrote a long open letter about Adobe and Flash and you'll find lines like

"Adobe’s Flash products are 100% proprietary. They are only available from Adobe, and Adobe has sole authority as to their future enhancement, pricing, etc. While Adobe’s Flash products are widely available, this does not mean they are open, since they are controlled entirely by Adobe and available only from Adobe. By almost any definition, Flash is a closed system."

and a following statement explaining why Apple is good by choosing HTML5.
There's the whole battery life part and how YouTube and other streaming sites are adapting.
And that's all well.

What you WON'T read is how gaming works...
Gaming is a HUGE industry and for my explanation I'll put forth the 70million users Behemoth Farmville, by Zynga.
Yes, 70million players.
And they all generate money.
Not by paying directly. No it's a free game with optional payments.
All is fair to say it's a big source. Yes. But they also make good money in advertisement.

Farmville is a flash game and as such wasn't available for iPhones and iPads until an App was released so you could play it.
In the app you do the same things, you play the same game and you can buy in-game cash there too.
As in-app purchases.
Which Apple, by default, takes 30% from.
A few games I played for free like Canabalt and others on sites I visited have been ported to iPhone, as it's a major platform.
This however, thanks to Apple, takes time to port and the time invested by the developer is something he asks a small fee in return for on the iPhone. Which is fair, it's extra work.
So you either play the Flash version (On a PC, Mac doesn't handle Flash well, remember?) or you buy the App in iTunes to play it on your iPhone for $0.99.
Which Apple, by default, takes 30% from.

See where this is going?
Flash might drain your battery. Flash might be on the way out. Flash might be replaced by HTML5.
But until then, if you want your game to be played by Mac users, you'll be able to make some extra money from it by selling it in iTunes.
And give Apple 30% of your income.
Or in other words - 30% of the money you earn from a game you provide Free in Flash format.
And Flash isn't available for iPhones, iPads and *barely* Macs....

fredag 2 juli 2010

Google and equality - Proving they are what they stand for.

Recently Google announce that they will be giving same-sex couples a pay raise to cover taxes that the state forces them to pay - For being gay.

Google has a motto, it's "Don't be evil".
And they do seem to live up to that motto.

It turns out that the state of California (Arnie..) doesn't recognize homos right to love in the same way straighties do.
To be fair, homos don't love in the same way as straight people, I can't argue against that.
But what you decide to shove where to show your affection is one thing politics should stay the hell away from. We're talking about love, so stop shoving that thing where we don't want it mr governor.
We're not in the dark ages nor are you the Catholic church.

While I salute Google for their stands, I think it's more important to ignore what Google does to help and instead focus on what the hell they're helping against.
A single state in a single country who decides that 'Nope, your love isn't real and since I don't like my own gender, neither can you'.
In 2010.
In the western world.
What the hell?

Again, cheers for the stand Google, but can someone get those guys running that state the hell out of their positions and elect someone who actually is 1) human 2) capable of love 3) not pants-on-head-retaraded.

The Pirate Bay to be run from inside the Swedish parliament

Today the Swedish Pirate Party announced that they will be hosting TPB (The Pirate Bay) from inside the Swedish parliament.
Legal? Yes.
Clever? Yes.
Controversial? HELL YES.

But to be fair here, it's an odd thing to do and everyone knows what TPB is about.
There's no hiding from the 'illegal' activities that people are up to on TPB.
But considering the fact that the owners were punished for hosting a website because of what their users did... I'd say this is a big stand for freedom and democracy.

While the current parliament in Sweden is driving through insane laws like illegalizing legal items because they might become illegal, and skipping the process of a fair trial if the culprit 'agrees' to a sentence, I'm glad to see there's someone on the other side of this insanity trying to save mankind while there is still hope.

The thing is - Once something becomes a symbol for a group, you're out in deep water trying to crush that symbol. Now add to this that the group is a political movement on their way into parliament.
Heck imagine trying to convince the Buddhists that their Swastika is evil and they should change it.
Try talking the red following into changing their image of Che Guevara into something 'more representative of who he really was'.
Or while we're at it, why not try to convince the British football supporters that they should drink milk during matches instead.

Go on.

Now try to close down The Pirate Bay.

Tydligen så är det brottsligt att kunna begå brott..

Förra månaden hade aftonbladet en artikel om regeringens charmig lagförslag om att polisen ska få beslagta lagliga ämnen för att dom kan bli olagliga i framtiden
Med sittande regering i Blått är det inte utan att jag måste fråga - Vad händer nu då?
Tydligen är det OK enligt de folkvalda Blåa att lagarna regleras av varje polismans magkänsla.
Visst, en polis måste gå på känsla ibland, när så nöden kräver och lagen inte tillhandahåller en riktlinje.

Men att legalisera beslagtagandet av lagliga ägodelar under premissen att dom har en potential för att bli olagliga i framtiden?
Förlåt om jag är lite känslig men jag gillar när lagar är strukturerade och tydliga och inte innehåller fotnoter som säger "Om du känner för det"..

Med det sagt frågar jag mig, om det här är ok för de Blåa, vad är mer ok? Vart slutar det och var är vi på väg? Vågar vi verkligen ge dom friheten att bestämma i fyra år till?

ComHem tror på privaliv

Ja, jag skriver om gamla nyheter.

IFPI vill ha tag på information om "en rätt vanlig fildelare".
ComHem vill att EU-domstolen ska reda ut vad som gäller eftersom lagar går emot varandra.

Men musikorganisationen Ifpi tycker att Comhem bara vill förhindra rättvisans gång.

"- Vi beklagar Comhems inställning. Vi anser att rättsläget är så klart att det är onödigt att fråga EU-domstolen om råd. Det här gör Comhem för att fördröja processen. Det är en klar linje bland operatörerna att göra allt för att förhindra rättvisans gång, säger Ifpis vd Lars Gustafsson till TT."

Det är inte utan att man gnisslar tänderna lite när man inser att det är den här typen av människor som någonstans har fått rätt att anklaga dig för saker som du gör i ditt eget hem.
Människor som anser att det är "onödigt att fråga EU-domstolen om råd"...
För tydligen är det onödigt att allt går rätt till?
Vår kära regering tycker att människor som anser att en rättvis och objektiv behandling är onödig, ska få agera poliser....

...Är det svar nog om varför jag anser att det är viktigt att vi förhindrar organisationer med ekonomiska intressen när dom försöker kränka våra privatliv och skapa ett samhälle där rättsväsendet utgår från att vi alla är kriminella, men utan en dom. Än.